Faith Over Fear By Design

L.A. Taylor
2 min readDec 6, 2021

Making the declaration

More than a week past Thanksgiving, many of us can say with a sigh of relief that we are grateful to have survived the latest Covid-19 variant, omicron. For a moment, I felt like I was living in the twilight zone. For the last two years, each holiday has been a struggle, as families worldwide decided how to gather (or not) for the holidays we hold dear.

It can feel insufferable to live in a world where plans are always fluid. A world where words like, maybe, perhaps, or I don’t know, are our only constants. Whether masks and mandates, vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, or maintaining overall healthy living protocols, most everyone seems to be doing something to beat this dreadful disease so we can be independent humans again.

Faith over Fear was a common saying that took on a global theme two years ago when the pandemic began. While I pray this virus, in every variant, will soon disappear, I pray for the contrary about the three words that brought hope to a world filled with despair. Faith over Fear is what we needed in 2019, during this past Thanksgiving, and what we will need for the rest of our lives.

As we grapple with the modern-day reality that although we can take rocket trips into space, we are no more in control of everything than a man on the moon, we must learn to look to the One who is. Fear not. God saw yesterday, today, and He knows what will happen tomorrow.

When you take your morning sip or enjoy a cup of calm for the evening, let this coaster be a reminder of Who raises the sun each morning and Who sets the stars in place. God is the light who guides us through the valley of the shadows of death. May we fear no evil. (Psalm 23)

You can purchase this coaster design and others at The Gathering Café in Ocala, Florida, during their regular business hours. Or you can comment/inbox me to place a customized order. My uncle and I create these gifts especially for you, and we thank you in advance for your patronage.

Really and sincerely,


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Published by Really, Leah?

i am many things — a Daughter + Sister + AuthorPreneur + Artist + Advocate. here at, you will find out more about me and my projects. my hope is that this will become a community to share with those of similar interests. View all posts by Really, Leah?

Originally published at on December 6, 2021.



L.A. Taylor

Creative writer I’m also an author, publisher, speaker, and professional organizer.